Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting Stronger

I worked out today. I know it doesn't sound like anything special, but sticking to my workour plan is a big part of my goals for this year. I really want to stay in shape because it keeps me relatively stress-free, makes me feel healthier and more energetic, and will help me achieve my APFT goal.

By June I want to earn the PF patch, which requires that I do a certain number of pushups and situps in two minutes. There is also a run, but I have no trouble maxing out my score for that.

Anyway, today I worked out hard. I have a steady plan, and every day I stick to it is another day closer, a little victory. I also played basketball, so I burned even more calories, got may heart rate up for an extra hour, and had a blast (I won both games I played).

We'll play basketball and work out together all the time when I get home. Something tells me you'll be a great athlete.

1 comment:

  1. J is definitely looking forward to some rough play. Although, I think you will spend the first few months just cuddling with him. I know you'll have a blast with him...vice versa.
