Monday, July 6, 2009

Back in the Swing of Things

It was the most wonderful thing in the world to spend some quality time with you a couple of weeks ago. I had a real blast, and received confirmation that I have the coolest son in the world. I have been back from my R&R leave for almost two weeks now, and I am just now finding my groove.

It has been somewhat of a whirlwind just settling back into the job. Within hours of arriving back at Camp Bondsteel, I got the chance to meet one Sarah Palin, future ex-governor of Alaska. She was as charming as she is beautiful, and everyone said so. It has been a privilege to meet some of the people that have visited here, and I hope to meet more.

We spent some more time updating our video magazine, the KFOR Files, and then it was to me desk to catch up on items left neglected during my relaxation time. I wonder how much time we spend in our lives just catching up and organizing?

Speaking of organizing, my computer, which has long been a source of frustration and unproductivity, continued to cause me headaches. I think I can now say that I am "back on line," as it were.

Last weekend, of course, was Independence Day, and we didn't overlook it here in the Balkans. Camp Bondsteel had it's own celebration, with bands, sports, and KBR-contracted barbecue. At least we got the day off.

Well, we are well more than halfway through the deployment, and it seems a good opportunity to look at what I've accomplished and plan to finish it out strong. I am working on a few things, some of which you'll really like.

It was good seeing you, and I can't wait to catch up again!

1 comment:

  1. Did Palin meet you then rush home to resign? Interesting that she was junketing so close to resignation.
