Monday, October 12, 2009

Conquering the Mountain

Climbing Mount Luboten was tough, but I feel great.

I mentioned to SSG Rosenberg, who went with us, that we weren't being rational in making the hike. It was the testosterone telling us to do it.

We drove as far up as we could go, then set out to go the rest of the 2000 feet on foot. Some of the legs were brutal. About two hours later we were 8200 feet above sea level.

It was a rewarding outing. I can't say the ascent itself was fun, but once we got there we had a good time. Then, we taped some video and took lots of photos.

Despite the hype, I'm not sore, nor do I have blisters. But I do have this urge to go hike other mountains, like Shasta, when I get home. Darned testosterone.

1 comment:

  1. J will be happy to sit on your back in one of those carriers while you hike other mountains "like shasta". I'll be waiting patiently at home for you guys :).
