Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back in the Game

I "tried out" for the Camp Bondsteel basketball team yesterday. I guess I'n in since our coach, a Sergeant First Class, got my vitals down for the roster. We'll play in a tournament at Film City, the KFOR headquarters.

It's fun to start playing again. I took a break for a few reasons. One, I was a little disappointed in how our team performed in the last tournament. Two, I was getting ready for the APFT, so I wanted to dedicate all my workout time to activities that would optimize my performance. And three, there was a CBS team that was handpicked by some guy who only chose his favorites. They lost, so it serves 'em right.

I should also get a couple of games in CBS league play (there's one international tournament at Film City and a CBS-only league here on CBS) before I go on leave.

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