Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The rain here wants to sneak up on us. It might be perfectly calm and sunny, and within minutes a thick and gloomy cloud opens up on us.

It's actaully kind of nice, and refreshing. I like the sound of the heavy drops on the steel roofs here.

Thw weather, for the most part, has been exquisite.

1 comment:

  1. Now you see why I enjoy the rain? When it rains, it reminds me of living in Nigeria. The sound of rain "drops on the steel roofs" is a reminiscent of our Christmas holidays spent in the village.

    There’s something soothing about this sound –perhaps these memories are my happy place and the rain in some way evokes my childhood memories. Whatever the case, it’s always welcomed by me.

    I hope Joseph grows up to enjoy the rain as well.
