Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Good Time in Mitrovica

Today I missed my own church service, but went to three monasteries, so I suppose I came out even.

We started our trip with a visit to a recently established monastery, where the monks hosted us to coffee (the standard) and home made berry juice (for me).

Then we spent some time at Bjanska, whci was built in the early 1300s. It is pretty neat to see things that old, and I have some pictures on the sidebar to prove it (That I saw them, not that they are that old).

I find, however, that Americans are typically more aware of theri history than the Kosovars whom I have met. Maybe that's because we have less of it. It reminded me of visiting the San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside, which fascinated me. Maybe the ravages of war shifts priorities.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the beautiful things I love about you: your perspective. Most people are more interested in claiming that they have been to a place and focus on the material differences compared the America such as lack of electricity, running water, etc. But, you look beyond having visited a particular place and attempt to understand the rich culture it possesses

    Like you said, “Maybe the ravages of the war shift priorities”. When you are thinking of survival, wishing to leave a piece of history for the next generation may not be a priority; especially if it’s possible that there may not be a next generation.

    I really enjoy reading the accounts of your experiences and I know our son will grow up to appreciate history the way you do. After all, he has a beautiful lineage on both sides that is worth learning about.
