Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lots of Maps

There are a lot of maps around here. To win a fight like the Army way, we have to really know the area well. That's what maps are for.

But most of these maps are secret. 

They are secret because they have information on them that only the good guys are allowed to see. I'm one of the good guys, so the Army gives me a "secret clearance." That means I'm allowed to see secret stuff. But I'm not allowed to talk about it to other people, unless they have a secrete clearnace too, and they need to know about it.

Sometimes the maps are hard to read, because they have so many details. Lots of colors, symbols, and writing. It's really good to learn at your age how to read maps well. 

There is a map behind my desk that's not secret. It's of Afghanistan and just shows me where the cities and rivers and lakes are around here. It's really helpful. 

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