Friday, November 21, 2014

More Books-- I'm Really Enjoying the Reads

It made me so proud to hear Joseph is going to first grade for reading. I know Gabriel will be a great reader, too. When I was younger, I didn't like to read as much. Of course, I did read some books. But now I wish I had read more.

But I'm making up for lost time!

Here are three more books that I have read out here in Afghanistan.

The Charlemagne Pursuit
It's a thriller novel, which means that it is supposed to be a little scary and have a lot of surprises. This one did have a few surprises, but they weren't that fun. It was about a guy whose dad was a sailor. The sailor had died when his submarine never came back from Antarctica. The man wants to find out about how his dad died, so he investigated and got caught up in an adventure. He learned about an ancient civilization that lived in Antarctica. But that part is fiction, meaning it was just a made up story.

How Children Succeed
This one is non-fiction, which means that it's all true. Or at least it's based on facts. How Children Succeed is a book about what makes kids do really well in school and life. As I read, it makes me think of the things we can do to help you boys do well in school. And it helps me understand that doing well in school is sometimes more about what we do as your parents than about how smart or hard workign you are. So we'll be talking more about this, believe me.

Now onto a classic. I don't know if you'll ever play baseball. I never did. And even though I kind of like watching it, I don't love it. Even so, I do love this book, and it's a baseball book. But it's also about how to solve problems using your imagination and creativity. So one day I hope you'll read it and I think you'll enjoy it as much as I have.

Now I want to know what books you both have read since I've been gone. We'll read your favorites together.

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