Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lesser Responsibility

Today I have a day off. Don't tell anybody, because we're not supposed to get days off. We have "days or lesser responsibility" or "maintenance days." It's another stupid Army thing whereby our leaders decide what is the most obvious thing in the world, and then do the exact opposite.

On one hand, they can't possibly expect us to work every single day and be productive and happy. On the other hand, they think that if they give us "days off" then we will not be earning our "hazardous duty pay."

That's why we have days of lesser responsibility.

Nevertheless, I'm glad to have it. I miss you, Joseph, and today will give me a chance to send you a letter and a CD. I am also going to workout, get registered for a class or two, read, and put in an application for a teaching job.

The other day we had to take a picture of our Commanding General. This is not the picture, it's me. But we had to test the lighting. Later that day-- last Friday-- we interviewed him for a news package that we did about the transfer of authority from the previous general to General Jones.

1 comment:

  1. We received the CD and we definitely play it over and over again. We especially liked the poem about the Raiders! I bet he'll love football AND the Raiders just as much as you do. We love sweetie.
