Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Lucky Day

Today was supposed to be an unlucky day, by tradition, but it turned out quite well. I am now living in my own new space, and if nothing changes, I will be quite comfortable.

More importantly, I will be productive. That means I can write more letters, make more videos, and plan all the fun things we are going to do when I finally see you again.

One of the things I do in my room is catch up on emails. It seems like lots of people send pictures of you. That’s because you’re the cutest boy in the world. I also do work for Uncle Matt, and try to write my book.

I want to make this deployment productive. Having a nice living space can help me do that.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, babe.

    We are happy and thankful that you have this time to connect with us.
