Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another DOLR

Today I slept in a it, because the past few nights have been late ones.

Last night I covered the Earthworms, a hip-hop group that came to entertain us. It was very interesting, and a little confusing. You see, the guys who came were actually part of two very different groups, the aforementioned Earthworms and a jazzy, new-age group called Fresh Heir. The music was nice, but sometimes a little too loud and aggressive for my tastes. And they kept me up way past my bedtime.

It made me wonder what you'll end up doing for hobbies. Are you going to be into sports, or music, or maybe both. You might surprise your momma and me and do something entirely different, like dancing or chess. Well, you're going to be amazing at whatever you decide to do, and I'm excited to see you do it.

Today was a routine DOLR (Day of Less Responsibility): workout, lunch, shopping for necessities. Good thing, too since the past week was kind of crazy. We were out on some interesting mission, then we had an Easter weekend BBQ, and I gave the talk in sacrament meeting at Church. I am ready for a more normal week. As normal as it can be on a deployment.

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