Monday, September 7, 2009

Signs of the Times

Someone hit the fast fast-forward button on the scene that goes from summer to autumn. Usually, people dread the coming of fall. You're too young, and for you and mom it's all the same. But for me as a teacher, and you when you become a student, summer always goes by too fast.

But while I'm away, autumn couldn't have come a moment too soon.

It's getting cold here! Fleece jackets are starting to appear, and I have to bundle up a bit more at night. The air-conditioning has pretty much been retired until spring, and soon I'll be cranking the heat.

It's also getting darker noticeably earlier. All this is welcomed news to me. It means I am getting closer to going home.

How's the weather where you are?

1 comment:

  1. The weather is not so bad. There was a little bit of mist in the air this morning when we left. Oh, but something funny happened...J talked in his sleep (not quite words, but his usual babble)as I was placing him in his car seat. He laughed and then went right back to sleep after letting out one of his happy shrills. It was the cutest thing!
